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Monday, April 26, 2010

Edema causing back pain

Edema also known as oedema or Ĺ“dema is inflammation of limb or body tissue mainly due to accumulation of surplus lymph fluid. This fluid can accumulate in any part of the body, but the most common parts to affect with this disease are the feet and ankles.

Some people suffer severely with the back pain due to Acute Edema. Just take an example of plants, if we over waters them, the plant will bloat and slowly shrivel and die. Similar thing happens to our tissue cells in case of Edema and it causes severe problems.

When edema is in the advanced stage it even affects the heart on one side and thus the patients suffer severe back pain. It is caused by the excess fluid due to the blockage in vessels, tubes, ducts & passageways leading towards the lungs.

How does Edema cause?
There are many reasons for Edema, to list just the few it can be caused due to smoke inhalation, intake of fluids via I.V., excessive drug intakes like heroin, morphine etc., or also due to Valvular disease or ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

While breathing heart pumps and chest stresses due this function. This stress affects the mobility and the basic structure of the spine. Thus, causing back pain.

Soup Making Tips

Soups are considered to be the important part of a meal, certainly ought not to be flavoured like sauces, which are only designed to give a relish to some particular dish.

Soup is a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables with various added ingredients. Since the main ingredients are meat, fish and vegetables, we should make sure that all the things used are very fresh. Stale ingredients used will give bad taste to the soup. In case of making soup using any type of meat, we should take care of using lean meat only.

To make a tasty sumptuous soup the ingredients used in it should be in correct proportion to bring out the flavour of every individual ingredient and as a whole making it very tasty. It is understood that the vegetables used must be very clean. The quantity of water used should be perfect, if the soup is too watery it can spoil the taste. The best cooking method for the soup is simmering, as this is the only method of cooking which brings out gradually the flavours of the ingredients.