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Monday, April 26, 2010

Edema causing back pain

Edema also known as oedema or œdema is inflammation of limb or body tissue mainly due to accumulation of surplus lymph fluid. This fluid can accumulate in any part of the body, but the most common parts to affect with this disease are the feet and ankles.

Some people suffer severely with the back pain due to Acute Edema. Just take an example of plants, if we over waters them, the plant will bloat and slowly shrivel and die. Similar thing happens to our tissue cells in case of Edema and it causes severe problems.

When edema is in the advanced stage it even affects the heart on one side and thus the patients suffer severe back pain. It is caused by the excess fluid due to the blockage in vessels, tubes, ducts & passageways leading towards the lungs.

How does Edema cause?
There are many reasons for Edema, to list just the few it can be caused due to smoke inhalation, intake of fluids via I.V., excessive drug intakes like heroin, morphine etc., or also due to Valvular disease or ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

While breathing heart pumps and chest stresses due this function. This stress affects the mobility and the basic structure of the spine. Thus, causing back pain.

Discovering whether you are suffering from edema is quite easy, it is detected by using X-rays, ECG, ABG tests and by monitoring Homodynamic. If not detected early it may lead to severe health conditions like Digoxin Toxicity, Pulmonary Blockage of the arteries,
Hypokalemia affects the blood clotting resulting in problem in blood circulation. The major affected part is the heart, which may lead to heart attack.

If you are suffering from Edema, the first thing to take precaution is to stop taking more liquids. It is advisable to keep the affected portion in the higher position also known as Fowler's position. Medicines and oxygen are prescribed to the patients.

The mains symptoms the you can find in the patient suffering from Edema is the coughing, fatigue, one-side heart failure, difficulty in breathing and so on. Some form of resistance exercise is prescribed in which one's muscles are used in opposition with other muscle groups and sometimes even bed rest is required.

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