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Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Improve your Personal Life

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small.
Do you think negative? I cannot change this. If you spend your life thinking negative and saying negative connotations, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change something and I am going to.
You have the power to make changes, yet you do not have the power to change other people.

If you can change yourself then it can be said that you are ready for the changes in your life for the betterment. It also means that if the joke is on you, you can also laugh on yourself even if it is a very silly thing like somebody pushing you or you falling on a banana skin. In this case, the push denotes the risk to your feelings, laughing on it denotes that you accept the risk and have accepted the challenge.

This accepting the challenge to your sentiments shows that you are ready to improve your personal life. Individuality, having one's own identity means to behave in one particular way. However, sometimes this is proved wrong as human beings being a social animals change their behaviour as per the influence it has of others. Generally, for human beings each day is a new day so the behaviour too changes radically.

The world in which we live is very insensitive, we are influenced by the mass media, political parties that are governing, schools, colleges and so on. We cannot change others behaviour but can only changes ones own. This is the way that we learn and accept new things. By being influenced we also try to influence others, hence, there is a constant interactions happening. To have a happy life we should always have a positive outlook.

Able to see humor into your own mistakes and able to laugh on the same will make you feel good. We are surrounded by many ugly emotions like greed, envy, jealousy amongst people. To make the life bearable while dealing with such people one has to try to improve one's personal life. Behaving properly in front of such people influences these people to change for better, sometimes it is even better than to use the words. Setting a good example is the bet method.

Gradually you will find in yourself a strong need to change for better in all the fields. You will start feeling good. Need to exercise, eating properly and keeping good company will set in. With all this, the goal of improving your personal life is set.

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